Food Safety & Nutrition Consultancy (FSN Consultancy) offers scientific services in the area of food safety and nutrition: novel foods, health claims, food fortification, logo's, etc.

Food Safety & Nutrition Consultancy evaluates dossiers, builds dossiers, provides scientific advice, communicates on science and supports innovation.


I am passionate about food, its effects on human health and science. I am a genuine regulatory scientist and I envisage to provide high quality scientific support to industry and authorities in the areas of my expertise


Prof.Dr. Hans Verhagen is the owner and (self-employed) consultant of Food Safety & Nutrition Consultancy.

Contact me for more information.


Webdesign: Mathijs Verhagen and Hans Verhagen

Logo: designed by Mohin Khan -

Photo's: most free from Pixabay; some copyright European Food Safety Authority, EFSA 2018 (indicated); photo on 'about me' by Alex van Doorn; some self-made.